Getting to Know the Area: National Book Festival

As noted before I love books. So, the timing of the 10th annual National Book Fair was just up my alley.  It was a rare free Saturday for the mister so Big T, Li’l T and I hoped on to the Metro and trucked into the city. It was a warm early Fall day and became even hotter the closer we got to the festival.

Our first stop was the Pavilion of the States. There were tables set up for all 50 states plus DC. Each table had information on the state and any famous authors.

There was even an activity where you had to go to each state and get a stamp on your map. I’m not sure if there was a prize for going to all because we called it quits early on in the process. It was too hot and close to the lunch time so we were all hungry. We at least got stamps for our home states and any other stamps were just an extra bonus.

This happens to be the day that Li’l T stole my sandwich. 🙂  After lunch we walked around the perimeter of the festival to check out all of the tents. I love tote bags so we picked up a few from any tent that offered them. (They’re great as reusable bags at the grocery store)

The festival was fun but I wish it hadn’t been so hot. We didn’t get to see half of the things that I had planned. There’s always next year, though.

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