Finding My Holiday Spirit

I’ve always been the type of person that wants to celebrate one holiday before the next. I don’t like my holidays to mesh and hate how the stores rush one without us being able to enjoy it before the next begins. I’m especially annoyed that Black Friday started early this year and Thanksgiving was a work day for many non-essential people. Instead of people spending time with family they were manning stores to sell things that could wait another day. Yes, I’m one of those people who doesn’t like Black Friday. I used to work retail and after seeing many fights and trying to protect myself from the crowds I refuse to participate. I just don’t get a thrill from the rush.

Anyway, I can tell that over the past few years consumerism has been sapping my holiday spirit. Last year I didn’t get into the holidays until Christmas Eve. *sigh* I don’t want to do that again. I want to enjoy the time with my family. So, this year we bought a tree, some decorations and I baked cookies for Big T and my friends. Christmas cards are on display, music is on repeat and we’re watching our favorite movies. Listening to my son yell “Crismah tree” is better than anything in the world and I hope that I remember it for years to come.

I wish you the most blessed time during this holiday season. Enjoy it and all of the memories that are created. Happy Holidays from my family to yours.

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